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Life & Language Coaching - Worldwide


The Coaching Plan: offers a level of ongoing support, which has been designed to

help you consider ways to build upon your own personal development (including, study skills).





If you'd like to be able to provide new and interesting resources, within your 'Online Classes', then: you might find these 'Interactive' resources (based on CEFR: A1 to C2) really useful - particularly, if you're not ready to write your own 'teaching material'!



The Common European Framework (CEFR): levels are often used to describe a level of attainment, in reference to languages; Teaching; learning and or assessment (i.e. 'English' as a foreign language) - and, can often be referred to (as a guideline) when setting learning goals.


CEFR: guidelines are also recognised across Europe and are often referred to (in other parts of the world) too.

Here, in the UK: we recognise different learning levels, as well as 'awarding bodies' - and: when comparing secondary school 'GCSE's' (as Level 2) qualifications, we might then begin to recognise how the 'CEFR: A2' (i.e. 'English' as a foreign language) learning (including 'ESOL') level offers links of similarity.



September 2024: Hi readers - I just wanted to share just how well, these interactive ESL learning resources (over the past few months) have been received by my online learners.

Independent Online English Teaching: I will continue to connect to learners directly and or via the

'Preply' platform (and others) - where, I have been able to 'share-screens' whilst also supporting learners through each page.

I've also found the 'lesson preview links' to be really useful - as an independent link of pre-class preparation.

Depending on anticipated and or agreed 'learning levels': these links have been sent to learners who have subscribed to more than 10 lessons (in readiment for links of independent learning [ready for their next 'Online English Practice Class']) - as: they provide a really great way for learners to gain some further confidence before class, because of encouraged pre-class practice.

I have also upgraded my (flexible) 'subscription plan' account (again) so as to move on from offering 'Taster Workshops' to whole curriculum.


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